West Fork White River at Dye Creek Road PL-566, West Fork, Arkansas
The construction on the West Fork White River (WFWR) at Dye Creek Road began Jan 2023, this project includes over a mile of river restoration and took 10 months to complete.

Structure at WFWR @ Dye Creek Road – After

Before at WFWR @ Dye Creek Rd
This restoration was initiated and funded through the WFWR Watershed Initiative, a NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) project from FY2016 using PL-566 funds. The restoration design for Dye Creek Site, included re-establishing channel stability through excavation of a stream channel that is natural and self-sustaining and have appropriate cross-sections, pattern, and longitudinal form. The excavation work complimented by implementation of a variety of structural elements including rock structures maintained channel grade and deflected high velocity flood currents from susceptible river banks. Also, toe-wood structures were utilized to reduce near-bank water velocity, prevent erosion of the bank toe, and provide complex aquatic habitat. The riparian areas of the WFWR at Dye Creek Road were restored to a plant community native to the local ecoregion.

After – WFWR @ Dye Creek Rd.